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The size and shape of the nose has an extremely significant effect on overall facial aesthetics. For individuals who desire changes to their noses,Dr. Antoniadis performs nose enhancement surgery (rhinoplasty) at his practice in Melbourne, Victoria. Rhinoplasty improves the appearance and self-confidence of patients without requiring a lengthy downtime or recovery.

Nose Surgery Candidates
Individuals seeking rhinoplasty most often want correction of a 'bump' or 'hump', which is most obvious when the nose is viewed from the side (profile view), straightening of a crooked (deviated) nose which often has associated breathing difficulties due to airway obstruction, refinement of a prominent tip or alteration of nostril size or shape, or a general reduction of a nose which is too big or too long. Whatever the complaint, Dr.Antoniadis can operate to produce a result which is consistent with your cosmetic goals. Nasal airway obstruction can be corrected at the time of the rhinoplasty surgery. Surgery for CHIN REDUCTION (GENIOPLASTY) and CHIN AUGMENTATION using an implant are often performed at the same time as rhinoplasty to maintain balance of the profile.

Surgical Technique
Depending on the patient’s needs and goals,Dr. Antoniadis will perform either an open or closed rhinoplasty. In the closed procedure, incisions are made inside the nostrils so that there is no external scar. In open rhinoplasty, an incision is made across the base of the 'columella' - the skin bridge that separates the nostrils -joining up to the two hidden nostril incisions This approach allows Dr. Antoniadis to shape the nostril cartilages very precisely under direct vision. The open approach does leave a tiny external scar, but this heals very well and is extremely hard to see. At the conclusion of the procedure tape and a splint are applied to the nose for 7 - 10 days to maintain the new shape and to reduce swelling.

After Rhinoplasty
Patients usually go home on the day of surgery. Reasons for staying overnight include pain relief, or following packing of the nose either to control post-operative bleeding or to maintain the position of the nasal septum following a septoplasty. If packing of the nose is required, the packs are removed either on the morning following surgery prior to discharge from hospital, or in the rooms about three days later. Patients are reviewed at 7-10 days after the operation and the splint is removed. Frequently the nose will be re-taped for a further week.

Controlled surgical breaking of the nasal bones to narrow a broad-based nose (osteotomy) produces a potential connection between the inside of the nose and the skin of the lower eyelids and cheeks which means air can track from the nasal cavity to under the skin if the pressure in the nose is raised. To prevent this, patients are advised not to blow their nose for three weeks following the procedure. Air travel is not permitted for a similar period.