The face is often one of the first areas of the body to show signs of ageing. Sun exposure, smoking, and heredity can all contribute to premature wrinkles and saggy, drooping skin. To eliminate wrinkles and restore more youthful skin and well-defined facial and neck contours, Mr.Maxwell performs facelift, necklift, and browlift procedures. These procedures are safe and highly effective, allowing you to turn back the hands of time and emerge with a refreshed, younger appearance. Patients often ask what is the 'right time' to have a facelift. The answer is that whilst the majority of candidates are aged between 40 and 65, there is really no limit to the age at which the procedure may be performed.
The Face Lift Procedures
The facelift procedure addresses skin excess in the cheek, jowl and upper neck regions. There are several different types of facelift in addition to the traditional full facelift including the short scar facelift (S-Lift) and the MACS Lift. Mr. Maxwell customises the procedure according to each patient’s individual needs. A facelift is usually performed in conjunction with a necklift and is often combined with eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), lateral temporal suture lift or browlift. Correction of naso-labial creases and other age lines and wrinkles with fillers may be performed at the same time. Buccal fat pad excision is a very satisfactory procedure for individuals who are self-conscious about having round faces especially in the lower part.
Surgical Technique
The traditional facelift procedure involves an incision hidden in the hair of the temple and on the back of the neck. The only visible part of the incision is in front of the ear which heals extremely well and is very hard to see. After the skin has been elevated from the underlying facial tissues, the fibrous SMAS layer between the skin and facial muscles is tightened to help produce a lasting result. Excess fat is removed from under the chin and the malar fat pad is elevated back to its normal position. The skin is then 're-draped' and the excess excised. A drain tube is inserted on each side and the wounds closed. The drains are removed after 2 days and the patient is discharged home. A facial support garment is worn day and night for 2 weeks