Breast Reduction
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Breast Reduction

Many women have disproportionately large and heavy breasts that cause neck and shoulder pain, with sometimes infection under the breasts if they are very large, and are often a source of social embarrassment. Dr Antoniadis performs breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammaplasty, at his Melbourne, Victoria practice to help such women feel more comfortable and confident.

Breast Reduction Candidates
A breast reduction helps large-breasted women enjoy a better quality of life, by eliminating physical and social discomfort, which gives them the ability to engage in a wider variety of activities and to have more clothing options to choose from. Younger women may be advised to wait until they have finished having children, especially as breast feeding cannot be guaranteed following the procedure.

Smoking is a contra-indication to breast reduction surgery. The nicotine causes constriction of blood vessels which reduces the blood flow to the breast, and especially to the nipple, and may cause it to die (necrosis).

The Breast Reduction Procedure
The procedure involves reduction in the amount of the breast tissue and of the skin envelope with re-siting of the nipple on the centre of the breast mound, so that a breast lift is an integral part of the procedure.

There are a number of breast reduction techniques available, from the traditional Inverted-T (or 'Anchor') scar pattern to the Vertical Mammaplasty which virtually eliminates the long scar under the breast.  At your consultation Mr. Maxwell will describe the procedures available and choose the surgery which will give you the best possible result.

The procedure takes 3 - 4 hours depending on the size of the breasts. At the end of the operation a drain tube is inserted on each side, and an elastic bandage (Tubigrip®) is applied. The patient is discharged home on the 3rd or 4th post-operative day after removal of the drain tubes.

After Breast Reduction
The patient is reviewed 10 days following the surgery. At this time a sports bra is fitted and this is worn day and night for 2 weeks and then by day for a further 4 weeks. After that the patient may resume wearing underwire bras.

Patients undergoing breast reduction surgery generally require 2 - 3 weeks off work. Driving can be resumed after 2 weeks. Walking is the best exercise in the first 6 weeks after surgery, after which time jogging and gym work are permitted with a firm sports bra. Patients are generally extremely happy with the results of their breast reduction surgery, and once they have fully recovered they can enjoy a life free from the burden of painfully heavy breasts. Indeed a very frequent comment after breast reduction surgery is: 'Why did I wait so long to have this done - I should have done it years ago!'